Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Feedback from Teachers for my First Drafts.

My first and only progress check was what I thought reasonably successful. I was given a few comments and suggestions as to what I could alter or keep the same for my final drafts of my media texts in which I intend to use take advantage of.

My teacher suggested that I need to include more close up shots into my video, she said at the moment there are too many long and medium shots so I'm firstly not using the conventions of the genre and secondly I am not showing enough range of editing skills which is required.
She also mentioned that I need to show more evidence of split personality to reference the idea of there being two characters in one. At that point there it looked a little like there was just one girl during the video and some black and white filters for no reason. I then decided to add some split screens (one side real 'inner self' and 'fake front') as well as choosing some footage showing her 'inner self' in an emotional way.
She also suggested that I should include 'flashing editing'. At that point there was some fast shots that matched  the beats within the music, however it still was not as fast as desired. I then planned to make shots faster and keep the beats within the music matching the edits.

The feedback for my digi-pak was generally very successful. My teacher only mentioned three things.
I need to add a bar code for the back of my album. He also mentioned that I need to add the record label logo and other album information on the back of the digi-pak to make it represent real media texts more accurately.
He also mentioned that I need to add spines into the digi-pak, I didn't do this before because I wasn't aware that this was required, I will design this for my final draft.
Apart from that he said that he liked the draft and that it was a very good attempt.

There was quite a few suggestions for this part of my project. I wasn't full happy with this draft, for me it looked a little amateur-ish to me and I wasn't satisfied with it.
I need to add a Facebook and Twitter logo to the advertisement because nowadays artists include these logos in their marketing campaign to prompt fans to 'Like' and 'Follow' them on their social networking sites.
He told me to remove the 'BLAIR'S BACK' text on the advertisement as it didn't really suit it and it's not very relevant, luckily I wasn't very keen of this either.
He suggested that I should remove the 'OUT NOW' texts on it and replace it with a date as it's a bit of an easier substitute.
I need to lower the Parental Advisory warning as at the moment in it's current position (top left) is the first thing that you see at the moment which is not at all what is desired.
He suggested that perhaps I could blur the background around the artist to both show editing skills but also to add a nice effect and keep the focus on her.
I should add a few quotes from fake reviews on my advertisement as this is conventional of magazine advertisements within my genre.

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